
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Booklist 4/20

The Book List is just a short and fun meme that allows you to share books and make a list of books!

This Week's Topic is:

3 Favorite Eras to Read About

1) Ancient Egypt
I've had a strong love for the Ancient Egypt, and the pharaohs since I was a young...young...young child.  My dad is an ancient cultures history major (fairly certain he owns one or two degrees on the subject) and I was read tales that are probably not really suited for my age from the time I could sit still for a book (so...like 1 month old?).  Egypt fascinated me the most--its living God incarnate rulers, mysterious wonders like the pyramids and Sphinx, elaborate post mortum ceremonies only bested by their even more elaborate PRE-death ceremonies...I love it.  Its almost a guarantee I will read a book set during the time.  Or about the time.  Pretty much as far up as Cleopatra's death, though I think Michelle Moran's Cleopatra's Daughter is the latest I've read (and that's arguably more of an Ancient Rome novel then Ancient Egypt).

2) England, years 1750-1899
Roughly encompassed the Late Georgian, Regency and better part of the Victorian Era of British history.  Mostly where it deals with romance, but I've been known to pick up a good mystery set during the time as well (Paula Paul's Dr. Alexandra Gladstone books for example).

3) Frontier Books
This is harder to define as I'll read anything related to the Canadian West (thank you Janette Oke) or to the Mid-West/West Coast area from about 1700 onwards to about 1910 or so.  When things were still rough and tumble in the better part of America, before 'civilization' from the East caught up.  This is basically the only time you'll see me reading a Western book or an inspirational (ie: Christian) book.  They're almost like reading the Regency books I love so much honestly.

How's about you guys?  What's your favorite eras to read about?